Choosing Us For Learning How to Drive

Manual and Automatic Car Driving Lessons

What to expect from Penrith’s Premier Driving School

enrith Driving School is Penrith’s premier driving school for learning how to drive. Learn to improve your driving and preparing you properly for your driving test and beyond. Whether it be for gaining more confidence in more complex driving situations or learning how to park properly. Learning the proper way to drive the first time will prepare you for your driving future. If you have been with another driving school and you felt that you didn’t really learn enough then try one of our lessons. See the difference better instructors can make.

Penrith Driving School has experienced instructors that teach safe and responsible independent driving to our students. Driving on the roads these days can be dangerous and comes with a risk. With so many vehicles on our roads there seem to be so many reckless and careless drivers. Some drivers probably shouldn’t even have a licence so learning to be a safer and smarter driver is very important. Learn properly by having sharp driving skills a strong road awareness and applying defensive driving style techniques will make you a better driver.

Whether learners are just starting out, intermediate in their driving or preparing for a driving test being a smarter and safer driver is important. Learning and understanding about hazard perception, road awareness, vehicle control needs to be of high standard to help ensure that driving with confidence and having the required skills will go a long way to make drivers safer on the roads.

Manual and Automatic Cars

Penrith Driving School provides quality instructed car driving lessons in both Automatic and Manual Vehicles 7 days a week.
Our instructors are certified by the RMS and with years of on-road driving experience which can be passed on to drivers during lessons.
From beginners with no driving experience to students with some experience and those students preparing for the driving test.
We can teach you all you will need to know in a professional manner but it does take time to learn but doesn’t happen overnight.

Our Lessons are informative which develop an understanding of driving to allow the progression of skills while building confidence and self-esteem which students will benefit from.
It is important to start learning how to “think” for yourself in the early stages when learning how to drive a car. The earlier a person develops the understanding of independent driving the earlier they can apply it.

Please Note: New drivers with little or no driving experience are not just put behind the wheel of a car and instructed to drive.
Our instructors need to establish what the student knows about driving which can include road rules, understanding the control items in a vehicle and how those items operate.
It will also include the RMS requirements such as the student logbook, the guide to the driving test and the road users handbook.
If students do not know what they should be doing on the roads then they need to learn before they start.

Learn Properly from the Start

For students to properly learn they need to make errors and mistakes in a controlled environment to learn properly how to avoid making them at a later time. This starts to help them understand how they can improve and to refine the techniques of driving.
Our instructors are thinking ahead when driving with students by giving clear instructions, directions and demonstrations so students can easier understand what they should be doing and how they should be doing it.

There is nothing wrong with parents or supervisors teaching their kids or students how to drive and can be part the whole learning experience of driving. If supervisors aren’t actually teaching their kids or the students in the correct way how to drive properly at the beginning then this can a negative effect. Bad habits and/or incorrect techniques are formed without actually knowing it is happening.
So how do you know what you are teaching is correct?
Did you know we also do lessons for parents to ensure that what they are teaching is correct?

Penrith Driving School can advise you correctly the first time about your driving lesson requirements contact us now for further information or to make a booking.

Only One

There is only one Penrith Driving School other driving schools try to copy us in more ways than one. Better informative driving lessons about teaching people to drive the correct and safe way. Some driving schools have excessive time wasting and try to sell the low-quality driving lessons so you buy more. It’s up to you what you want to learn from your lessons.

What do you want from Driving Lessons?

When buying driving lessons you should be asking yourself what do I want to learn?. If a parent what do I want my son or daughter to learn?. This is important to ask the instructor otherwise some instructors will not teach properly and just take your money. Driving instructors have a responsibility to teach but not all driving instructors are interested in teaching people to drive properly. Most are driven by money so the less they teach the more lessons you might buy.

As with lots of occupations, there are driving instructors that can do a job better because they are more experienced in driving and also in teaching. Do you want us teaching properly or just putting kids into cars and saying drive? We wouldn’t want our kids not knowing how to drive properly and we don’t put them in old unsafe cars. If new inexperienced drivers are going to drive cheap unsafe cars at least give them a better chance by having some driving skills.
If you are basing driving lessons on price then you aren’t worried about what you get or who you get.

Time wasting by other Driving Instructors

Some students tell us their previous instructors are teaching things that are irrelevant to their needs. These other instructors are so good they can even tell you exactly how many lessons you will need. They apparently don’t teach what they should be. We would expect students getting ready for driving tests to drive almost independently by themselves. There are usually areas that need improvement depending on the knowledge and skills of the students.

Experienced Instructors

Our experienced instructors have over 70 years combined Australian local driving experience. Driving skills and knowledge has been gained over many years of driving which can be conveyed to the students they teach.
The students can learn to be safer, responsible and become better skilled independent more confident drivers. Driving is for the long-term so learn properly and improve your experience which can make you a better driver. 

Become a Smarter Driver

Driving is not only about your own driving ability you also have to contend with so many vehicles on our roads. Driving is not just about how to control a car properly you need to learn and understand defensive driving.
Learning about road awareness can lead to making you a better and smarter driver, not just a driver.
Learn to be smarter by looking and thinking ahead to recognise a potential incident to reduce the risk of incidents when driving.

Not Just the RMS Test Tracks

Too many driving instructors “train” someone to “pass” a driving test by just driving around the test tracks. We also go around testing areas but vary our driving to test a person skills.
We also take our students into areas, roads and streets that may not be familiar to them. This is to test a student knowledge and ability.
To drive safely and be confident you can’t just drive up and down straight roads or around the testing tracks. Traffic and road conditions continually change and you must be able to change and adapt your driving to meet these conditions.

Our Expectations of Students

Our view is a person going for a driving test should be able to drive where ever we take them on the roads. A student should be able to follow our directional instructions just like the RMS assessor would give them.
This should include knowing the road rules and being able to meet the RMS test requirements. It should also include knowing what hazards are and how to respond to hazards safely.
Unfortunately, there are very few students going for a driving test that can actually do this without making errors that would be a fail in the driving test. 
Inexperienced drivers are at more risks of potential accidents so gain the knowledge and learn the required skills.

Solid Experience

The only way is by having good solid experience and the road skills to match. We don’t use cotton wool buds, we deal with reality and the reality of driving. Driving comes with risks but risks can be reduced if you know how. Go for your licence because you can drive safely not because you want it.

A Difference Between Driving Schools

There really is a big difference between the quality of driving lessons being provided by driving schools these days. Some seem to be more about selling more lesser quality lessons at cheaper prices in more quantity. Some seem to just teach a single learning subject during a lesson rather than combining various lesson subjects. Did you know? that some driving schools do not combine multiple lesson subjects as part of a driving lesson.

Do your homework and ask some questions about what you are going to get and what you will be taught. Cheap budget lessons may end up costing you more in the long run and you may not learn as much as you probably should be.

Vehicle Control

Learning how to control a vehicle by learning braking, steering and accelerating. In a manual car, you need to combine shifting and operating the clutch. By thinking for themselves and making self-adjustments helps to improve those errors. Some may be oversteering, too much braking, maybe not enough braking but they learn to adjust with practice. This helps them understand how they can refine the techniques of driving which are the only way they can learn properly.

Clear Instructions

Giving clear instructions, directions, and demonstrations students learn to understand what they should be doing and how they should be doing it. You can sit there and explain to students what they should be doing and how they should do it. They need to experience those situations when out on the roads to be able to improve their driving ability. Learning to differentiate from what is an error or mistake.


Parents and Supervisors should remember that continual repetition of techniques is required over and over. Different driving environments and areas help students maximize their knowledge of wider learning. Driving up and down the same streets or roads may not progress a student’s ability or broaden their driving experience. Very often students come to us prior to their driving test and because of their limited narrow style driving. They struggle to show us independent driving skills. They can hesitate in making decisions when they are tested outside of their comfort zones.

Understand the Road Rules 

Having a good understanding of the road rules, road signs and line markings is important. This forms part of the learning requirements, driving requirements and should not be disregarded. As we continually remind supervisors and parents as well as students it is not just about passing your driving test. You need to be able to drive properly and safely as an independent driver so don’t rush to get your licence if you are not ready. Unfortunately, a lot of people just are not interested in driving properly just passing the driving test.

Teaching Properly

There is nothing wrong with parents or supervisors teaching their kids or students how to drive and is part of the whole learning experience.  Supervisors that aren’t teaching in the correct way how to drive properly from the beginning can have a negative effect in the end. Parents and supervisors should be aware that incorrect techniques of the person teaching can be passed which reduces students abilities and skills.

Driving Risks

Students go to school to learn but in an environment where the risks of injury are lower. Having some lessons from a driving school can help them learn how to drive properly and become smarter. The risks of driving are much higher so having the right skills and knowledge is more important. There seem to be more and more car accidents every day so learning how to drive properly should be a priority.

Reduce the stress and keep the family peace and consider some professional driving lessons.
Invest in their driving future by better preparing them for the roads ahead and consider our quality driving lessons. 

Penrith Driving School can advise you correctly the first time for all your driving lesson requirements for further information contact us our information is always free.